Estate Planning in 2022: Do You Have These Documents Prepared?

Pile of files in a brown desk

Estate planning is an often complex financial process that nearly all investors should consider. It includes reviewing legal and tax implications, investment strategies and personal questions to ensure your estate is set up efficiently.  As we ring in 2022, let’s look at some of the most important estate planning documents you should have prepared.  Wills […]

What Is a Living Trust?

Calculator on desk with spectacles

A living trust is a popular consideration in many estate strategy conversations, but its appropriateness will depend upon your individual needs and objectives. Learn more about what a living trust is and some of the potential benefits of a living trust to help you determine whether a living trust is right for your situation. What […]

Your 2022 Tax Filing Season To-Do List

Tax filing tips for small business owners: Organize receipts, track expenses, consult a professional.

The tax season is officially here. If you haven’t already, now is the time to get prepared. Whether you meet with a tax professional or prepare your taxes yourself, proper planning helps the processes go more smoothly and may reduce the risk of costly errors. Check out the tips below and prepare to tackle this […]

Dealing with Unexpected Expenses in Retirement

A mid-age man wearing glasses sits at a desk in an office with a natural background.

As you plan for retirement, it’s exciting to think of all the things you’ll have time to do, including traveling more, spending time with family, and even picking up a new hobby. However, in planning for retirement, you have to also plan for the number of expenses along the way. While you might plan for […]

Social Security Benefits – A Primer

United States of America dollar bills

Introduction When it comes to your financial future, there are lots of things you cannot control such as the stock market, the economy, or major world events. To increase your odds of financial success, it is more important to focus on the things you can control. Understanding Social Security benefits and making the decision about […]

Creating Flexible Income in Retirement: Roth Conversions

A step-by-step guide on investing in an IRA, a tax-advantaged retirement account. Plan for your future financial security. #IRAInvesting

If you saved for retirement in a tax-deferred account, you lowered your taxes in the years you contributed pre-tax dollars. When you get into retirement and start to withdraw those funds, the taxes will be due. And once you reach age 72, you’ll be subject to required minimum distributions (RMDs) to ensure that you take […]

Complex Compensation Requires a Deliberate Strategy

A man giving money to another man sitting at a desk.

More Money More Problems? Complex Compensation Requires a Different Kind of Advisor The benefit of becoming a high earner is apparent: more money. You can go beyond creating financial security for yourself and your family and start making choices that may have been out of reach. Not having to worry about covering the basics can […]

Cash Flow Planning When You’re Thinking About Retirement

Beach scene with colorful boats and umbrellas lined up on the shore.

Pre-retirement planning is one of the most challenging stages of your financial journey. You’re still fully engaged in your career, but you’re also looking ahead to a not-distant future when your life and your source of income will radically change.  Retirement means you’ll be making choices about where you want to live, what your retired […]

Medicare: Understanding Parts A, B, C, & D

Patient record book

Whether your 65th birthday is on the horizon or decades away, understanding the different parts of Medicare is critical. Increasingly, Americans are incorporating this government-sponsored program into their future health care decisions, and for good reason. Learn about the different parts of Medicare to determine what plans will work for you and your health care […]