Strong woman wearing black tank tops hand up

Staying Strong: 8 Ways to Manage Your Mental Health During a Quarantine

November 22, 2023


Remaining in quarantine for an extended amount of time is a challenge. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, but there are things we can all do to remain mentally strong. Below we’re offering eight tips to help anyone better manage their mental health while social distancing at home.  

Tip #1: Take Breaks from the News and Social Media

While you want to stay informed, taking in too much information can be upsetting and stressful. Find a balance that allows you to stay informed without overwhelming yourself.  Try  changing your routine for the foreseeable future, reading the headlines for a broad view of the overnight updates and a later afternoon recap of the days events.

Tip #2: Remember to Exercise

Most of us want to stay on top of our physical health during this time, but exercise can be just as important for your mental health as it is for you physically. There’s plenty of option for online classes in yoga, cardio. There are listings for Covid-19 friendly county parks that allow hiking while obeying social distancing rules. It’s a perfect time of year to  go for a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. 

Tip #3: Practice Meditation

Even if you’ve never done it before, mediation is an effective form of self-care. Through patience and practice, regular meditation can help anyone become more mindful and at ease. It can increase calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance and enhance overall health and mental stability.

Tip #4: Make Sure You Are Connecting with Others

While we’re unable to physically be present with friends and family, it’s still possible to keep in touch. Set up a virtual meeting  with your friends or catch up over the phone. It’s a perfect time to reach out to people you’ve been thinking about to ask they how they are doing. I’m sure they will appreciate the thought and brighten someone’s day. They might create that same sense of gratitude for someone else.pass that goodness on to others. Some people quarantined at home have even started sending letters or notes to one another, like penpals. Get creative and think of ways you can connect and brighten someone’s day, because chances are your loved ones are feeling anxious as well. 

Tip #5: Try a New Hobby

With more time on your hands than ever, now’s the time to try something new. Whether it’s painting, knitting, photography or whatever else you’ve always had an interest in trying, it’s a great way to do something fun while clearing your head. If you are at home with children, you could also do age-appropriate crafts and activities as a whole family, as this provides fun for everyone involved. If you haven’t picked up a board game in a while, maybe now’s the right time to start a weekly family game night. 

Tip #6: Help Others

There are plenty of ways to stay compliant with social distancing regulations while still taking the time to feel good by helping others. Some ideas include: 

  • Offer to get groceries for at-risk neighbors and family members
  • Donate to local food banks 
  • Provide meals to local hospital workers

Tip #7: Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is a time to recharge your batteries, unwind from the day and prepare for tomorrow. Getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep will help you to work better, feel better and stay healthy.3

Tip #8: Eat a Balanced and Healthy Diet

We may be stuck inside more, but that isn’t an excuse to forego our healthy eating habits. While it’s perfectly fine to enjoy some treats in moderation, make sure that you are still eating meals packed with protein, fruits and vegetables. Eating a healthy, balanced diet will help everyone in your household feel better both mentally and physically over the coming weeks. 

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