How to Make Your Money Last in Retirement

An individual displaying a wallet containing cash.

Since there is no exact timeline on how long we will live or what our future may hold, it’s understandable to have questions and concerns about the road ahead.  Whether you are already retired or just beginning to consider your retirement years, the question “Will I outlive my money” is most likely a top concern. Thankfully, […]

Has Your Property Been Impacted By Wildfires? Take These Next Steps To File a Claim

Wildfire background and a white pickup

Since August 15, 2020, California has been battling wildfires of historical proportions. Within two weeks, wildfires destroyed over 1.35 million acres of land – that’s six times the size of New York City.1 As of late August, more than 1,852 homes and businesses have been destroyed. Whether you’re currently residing in California, own property there or […]

You’ll Spend Thousands on Healthcare This Year. Can an HSA or HRA Help?

Woman walking on the street in the morning

The average annual healthcare expense per individual rises from roughly $2,000 for 19-year-olds to about $11,000 for retirees (age 65+).1 As Americans pay more for medical care, they often seek ways to save for emergencies. Health savings accounts (HSAs) and health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) can help.  What are these accounts and who has access to them? […]

Back to Basics: 9 Common Insurance Mistakes to Avoid

A person holding an umbrella in the rain, seeking shelter from the downpour.

Having at least a basic insurance plan is essential for anyone. While many jobs cover your insurance needs, not all of them do. It’s important to figure out what insurance plans you need and what works best for you and your family.  Choosing an insurance plan can be complicated, so when doing so, try to […]

Medicare Open Enrollment Begins Oct. 15th. What Does That Means For Me?

Timex white table clock

Medicare’s open enrollment period happens once a year between October 15 and December 7. During this time, current Medicare beneficiaries have the option to adjust their coverage for the coming year. This can be a useful option for those who may have recently changed medication, underutilized their current coverage or found they could use additional […]

Presidential Elections & The Stock Market: Is There a Correlation?

An American flag waving in front of towering buildings, symbolizing patriotism and national pride.

Sex, lies and accusations of corruption – no election year is complete without them. And while the 2020 election has proven to be one of the most contentious in recent history, contention is nothing new in the world of politics. From the political match-up of Jefferson v. Adams to this year’s Biden v. Trump, mud […]

Capital Gains & Your Taxes: A Brief (But Important!) Guide

A vibrant yellow taxi navigating through a crowded city street.

Classic investments, like stocks, are not the only investments taxed by capital gains. Capital gains taxes can apply to any other property that acquires value over time. These taxes are calculated by subtracting the cost of the investment from the final selling price of said investment. This final amount is reported as capital gains. But, […]