Should You Take Social Security Early in Light of a COVID-19 Related Layoff?

Different types of legal documents on a table

Just entering the workforce or winding down toward retirement – it doesn’t matter where you are in your career, it’s likely COVID-19 has made its mark on your professional and financial life. But for those between the ages of 62 and 70, you have the opportunity to begin claiming your Social Security benefits, whether you […]

Top Cyber Security Tips to Utilize While Working From Home

Semiconductor chip on a circuit board

As millions around the globe continue to work from home, it’s important to remain vigilant when it comes to staying safe online. Here are eight cybersecurity tips that you can start utilizing today.  Tip #1: Encrypt Sensitive Data in Your Emails  If your position at work requires you to send sensitive information regularly, it’s important […]

Investments Keeping You Up at Night? Managing Stress During Market Volatility

Image of a woman reclining on a bed in a dark setting.

For millions, the pandemic has served as a source of financial distress and worry. This rings true, in particular, for investors of all kinds. Market volatility is the highest it’s been since Black Monday, over 30 years ago – not to mention the fact that this is the largest volatility spike linked to a disease […]

4 Areas of Your Estate Plan to Review in Light of COVID-19

Close-up of hands writing on paper, suggesting a professional or administrative task.

Although COVID-19 related restrictions are beginning to ease, many people continue to help slow the spread by staying home and self-isolating. There are still unknowns related to the pandemic and how it will play out, undoubtedly keeping us all on edge. Over the past few months, we’ve been forced to face fears of falling ill, […]

How Could the Behavior Gap Affect Your Investments During This Time of Market Volatility?

A beautiful sunset over a calm ocean with vibrant orange and pink hues reflecting on the water.

“It turns out my job was not to find great investments, but to help create great investors,” writes Carl Richards, author of “The Behavior Gap.”1 From increasing our budget mindfulness to taking a steadier approach to investing, Richards has drawn attention to the way our unexamined behaviors and emotions can be our detriment when it comes […]

Fall 2020: The Uncertainty Surrounding College Enrollment

Woman with black backpack walking down city street.

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing our world, and there’s no answer for when we’ll be able to resume life as we knew it before. One major change in question is the future of universities and how students, especially incoming freshmen, can expect to receive higher education. This year, colleges across America transitioned to remote learning […]

Roth Conversions: What You Need to Know

A step-by-step guide on earning money through binary options trading, a financial investment method.

When opening a retirement savings account, you’re typically presented with the option of choosing between a traditional or Roth IRA. While you may have stuck with a traditional IRA for the initial tax savings, it’s possible you could change your mind and opt for tax-free retirement income instead. Making this switch is called a Roth […]

The Pros & Cons of a Do-It-Yourself Will

A fountain pen resting on a handwritten note, showcasing the elegance of traditional communication.

We all know we need a will so that our affairs will be in order and our last wishes carried out once we have passed on. But did you know you have options when it comes to creating a will? You may have heard that you can actually do-it-yourself when it comes to creating a […]