The SECURE Act Has Passed. What Does it Mean for Your Retirement?

Swing with ocean view on grassy hill.

In July of 2019, the House passed a new bill titled the “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act,” or SECURE Act.1 The Senate approved the bill on December 19, 2019, and it was signed into law on December 20 by President Donald Trump. This sweeping bill offers several adjustments to our current laws surrounding […]

Roth vs. Traditional IRA: Which is Better for Me?

A step-by-step guide on investing in an IRA, a tax-advantaged retirement account. Plan for your future financial security. #IRAInvesting

Whether you’re a new college graduate or an established professional, it’s never too early to start saving for your retirement. As one might expect, the longer you live, the more resources you’ll need to sustain your lifestyle, so it’s always a good idea to start saving sooner rather than later. When saving money for your […]

The Economic Impact of Pandemics

A cityscape with towering buildings against the sky.

Pandemics, as rare as they are, have made their mark in history – not only in numbers of lives claimed but in the economic impact felt around the globe. As we’re all facing the market downturn and recent financial volatility caused by the spread of COVID-19, it’s useful to look back at how the economy […]

COVID-19: You Can Now Take $100,000 From Your 401(k) or IRA, but Should You?

A calculator on a yellow background, providing quick and accurate calculations.

On March 27, 2020, President Donald Trump signed into law the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act. Amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, this act is designed to bring economic relief to individuals and businesses who’ve been affected by the resulting economic downturn. Section 2202 of the act, titled “Special Rules For Use […]

Stimulus Checks Are Coming for Americans: Here’s What You Need to Know

Woman wearing sweater writing on paper

As COVID-19 continues to run rampant in the United States, individuals everywhere are experiencing emotional, physical and economical implications. In an effort to ease the pandemic’s detrimental effects, the federal government has recently passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Included in this act are hospital funds, extended unemployment insurance, extended lending […]

Mortgage Refinancing: How the Market Downturn Has Provided an Interesting Opportunity

Multiple houses image from top

With coronavirus fears growing, millions of homeowners have been receiving surprisingly good news as mortgage rates continue to hit new record lows.  As of April 2, 2020, the national average rate for a 30-year mortgage has fallen to 3.33 percent, with an average of 0.7 points paid, according to data from Freddie Mac.1 Mortgage rates have […]

A Guide to Managing Your Money During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A person's hands holding a spread of US dollar bills, suggesting a theme of financial management or savings.

As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the globe, individuals are adjusting to new lifestyles in an effort to curb the spread. While there are many factors of this pandemic we cannot control, practicing social distancing and creating new routines to remain physically and psychologically healthy are just a few of the actions we can take. Virtually every […]

Staying Strong: 8 Ways to Manage Your Mental Health During a Quarantine

Strong woman wearing black tank tops hand up

Remaining in quarantine for an extended amount of time is a challenge. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations, but there are things we can all do to remain mentally strong. Below we’re offering eight tips to help anyone better manage their mental health while social distancing at home.   Tip #1: Take Breaks from the […]

An Overview of the Newly Passed $484 Billion COVID-19 Relief Package

The United States Capitol Building on a sunny day, with a clear blue sky and green lawns in the foreground.

On Friday, April 24, 2020, President Donald Trump signed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act amidst the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. This $484 billion relief package comes less than a month after the historic $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, which offered relief funds for businesses, families, […]