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Are Capital Gains Taxes Changing?

November 22, 2023


There are a lot of questions about President Biden’s Build Back Better plan and potential tax law changes, including an adjustment to capital gains taxes.

One of the proposals Congress is considering sets the top rate for taxing capital gains at 25%, up from 20% under current law. Another would raise the capital gains tax rate to 39.6% for taxpayers earning $1 million or more. Still another would make the change to capital gains tax retroactive, with a start date of April 2021.1,2

At this point, many ideas are being considered as legislators look for ways to raise revenue to help pay for the Build Back Better plan. Corporate tax rates, individual tax rates, estate tax rules also are on the negotiating table.

As difficult as it may be, the best approach is to wait and see. It would be hasty to make any portfolio changes based on current discussions. An ambitious investor would have to guess what policies will be in the final bill, estimate the financial impact, and determine any needed portfolio changes. That’s a tall order.

The changes discussed in this article are current proposals in President Biden’s Build Back Better tax plan. At Envision Financial Planning, we will not make changes to our investment or tax harvesting strategies until a tax package is passed by Congress. If you have concerns about what these potential changes will mean for you, please do hesitate to contact our office..

  1. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-13/house-democrats-pitch-capital-gains-tax-of-25-for-high-earners
  2. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-16/yellen-argues-capital-gains-hike-from-april-2021-not-retroactive

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